Understanding the world

Stack the Beanstalk
Stack the Beanstalk - Addition Mats
Two addition sentence mats for the children to ‘stack’ the multilink cubes
Use with green cubes
Includes leaf cut outs and table sign

Tell me a Story - WBD
A lovely little open-ended resource perfect for World Book Day!
Open book ‘Tell me a Story’ template for the children to draw or write about their characters - it could be their favourites or their own!
A range of different Fairy Tale/Traditional Tale characters on disc cut outs. You could also include your own images of popular books (I was unable to include these due to copyright)
Includes table sign

Daffodil Painting
Daffodil colouring/painting sheet
Disc examples
Daffodil cut outs
Perfect for Spring or St Davids Day

Choose it, Write it - Spring
Lovely flower/spring/planting themed phonics activity
Laminate or use mats inside reusable pockets for the children to use the flower picture prompts to write what they can see… e.g. snail
Flower cut outs are a range of Phase 3 & CVCC words

Spring Tens Frames - Bonds to Ten
Alternative version of the natural spring tens frames - 1 frame to represent each bond to 10 (e.g. 1+9)
Includes a version with space for the children to use loose parts to find the bond - e.g. frame just shows 4 flowers, children add 6 objects to the frame
Flower cut outs
Table sign

Firework Discs
A lovely set of black firework picture discs for provision activities. Total of 18 discs all together

Loaded Pancakes - Recipe Cut and Stick
‘Loaded Pancakes’ cut and stick activity
Recipe card with how many toppings to include and cut outs of toppings for chn to stick
Also includes table sign

Pancake Day Instruction Writing
As seen on my Instagram - two sheets one with pictures one without
Please note vocab discs are a seperate download

Measure the Worms
Measure the worm boards… use with multilink cubes or loose parts for the children to count & measure
Worm cut outs
Table sign

What’s in the Garden?
A lovely Spring writing prompt activity. The children can use the magnifying glasses to ‘spot’ what they can see
What’s in the Garden mat
Magnifying Glasses
Table Sign
Writing sheet

Valentine’s Funky Finger Board
A lovely Valentine’s theme funky finger board…
Use with loose parts such as buttons or beads
Heart cut outs for table also included

Camera Captions - Spring
Spring themed Camera Caption sheets x2
Laminate for children to write onto or write with pencil, they are a lovely prompt to get your little ones writing!
Camera cut outs
Table sign

Ready, Steady… Grow - Knowledge Organiser
Plants/Flowers Knowledge Organiser
Ready, Steady… Grow - Sign
Daffodil cut out
Flowers, bees and butterflies
3 questions on brown paper
Please note, Knowledge Organiser lettering and arrows NOT included. You can download this on my shop
You will need tissue paper and green card to create the mud, stem and leaves

Pancake Faces Cut & Stick
Design a pancake face sticking activity - includes some example cut outs and table sign

Pancake Day Colouring
Two Pancake Day colouring/watercolour sheets with pancake heart, strawberry and lemon cut outs for the table